January Meeting
Jan Guild Meeting
Largo Community Center, 400 Alt Keene Rd, Largo, 33771
6:00pm – 8:00pm
Learn a New Knitting Cast-On (CO)!!
You will need to bring some worsted, DK or sport weight, 3 separate balls. Also, size 6, 7, or 8 knitting needles and crochet hook, G, H, or I. We will be learning 3 different cast-ons presented to you through personal instruction, round-robin style.
Your Knots of Love hat is due for the monthly drawing. We are accepting Knots of Love hats for donation until the end of March. So please keep knitting those charity hats. I will present you with a new hat to knit or crochet up for February.
Finally, the Yarn Crawl will start at the end of the week, Friday, Jan 27 through Sunday, Feb 12, 2023. Please see the BAKG Yarn Crawl tab for all the details!
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